YYFAP Garden Plot is Feeding the Community

The community garden that YYFAP (Yachats Youth and Family Activities Program) kids have been involved in has been a great success in it’s first year. Kids have enjoyed going to the garden after school, around 4:30pm, once a week. They walk over to the Yachats Demonstration and Community Garden on 7th Street carrying tools and buckets or baskets. They walk back with armloads of food. One boy said he’d like to go to the garden every day.

Kids have been involved in every phase in the garden plot, from seeding sowing to harvesting and eating the vegetables. To date we have harvested broccoli, dinosaur kale, red Russian kale, dill, parsley, Swiss chard, carrots, Dragon carrots, potatoes and onions! Much of this food was eaten during our afterschool program, Rec PLUS  during snacktime, or taken home to share with their families, or donated to the food pantry.

The kids at YYFAP have helped to beautify the garden using their creativity. Several kids painted a bright and cheery sign and several decorative rocks. Others planted flowers that were donated by a community member who saw the wish list on our website. The Helping Hands group made and put up a ‘salty dog’ scarecrow, too.

There is still more to harvest and the garden needs some maintenance in order to have it ready for winter. If you’d like to join in and help us out, meet us at YYFAP, Nov. 11th and Nov. 18th at 4:15pm for the last 2 Garden days of the year.

If you have any questions, please call garden volunteer Cicely Bernard, at 541-547-4483.