Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day

On Monday evening, January 17, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., the Helping Hands group of the Yachats Youth & Family Activities Program is sponsoring a community potluck and celebration.  Community members of all ages are invited to this special evening of celebration of the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.  The evening will be filled with food, fun, and remembrance.  Please join us at 6:00 at the Yachats Commons for a potluck supper.  Multi-cultural dishes and dress are encouraged.  You can look forward to  information about  Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement, games, entertainment, a dream wall, drum circle, and more.  Bring a rhythm instrument with you if you have one. There will also be an opportunity for three-minute readings or remembrances.  For more information, call 547-4599 or email yhh@yachatshelpinghands.org.