Thank you for joining us for the Community BBQ!

Over 150 had their choice of cheeseburgers, veggieburgers (cooked on a meat-free grill) and hot dogs generously provided by the Yachats Community Presbyterian Church.  As the crowd came piling in, each person had the opportunity to participate in Human Bingo- a game to get to know your neigbors and also the Ultimate Skittles Challenge- a guessing game.

The Human Bingo winner was Lydia Martin. Lydia won a Yachats hat, (2) Yachats t-shirts, and a Yachats fleece vest provided by the Vistors’ Center and Paddy Kait. Great job Lydia! Thanks for having the courage and determination to fill the Human Bingo sheet full of signatures.

The Ultimate Skittles Challenge winner was Max Glen who guessed 756 and the actual amount of Skittles in the jar was 780. Congratulations Max! Your guessing skills are right on target.

Later in the evening, the hula hoop (the starting area) opened up for the Seed Spitting Contest. People lined up to test their spitting skills and most importantly their aim. Parents, retirees, visitors, toddlers, and kids lined up and had three chances to hit the bulls-eye.  As the line disappeared, Linda Yelm bravely raised her hand from the crowd and  entered the Seed Spitting Contest. She entered the hula-hoop and on her first try she hit the bulls-eye and victory was shouted by the crowd.

First Place Winner- Linda Yelm (won a board game)

Second Place Winner- Chad Young (won a herb starting kit)

Third Place Winner – Christian Cortez (won a board game)

As the evening was coming to a close the crowd headed to the field for one last game-tug-o-war. The teams tugged, grunted, and pulled with all their might. Although, only one team won, each team graciously congratulated each other and left with a smile from ear to ear.

If you would like to see glimpses of the Community BBQ check out the footage by Milo Graamans.